Aldershot Methodist Church


Revd. Anne Day

07305 337478



Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated monthly, usually on the first Sunday of the month in the morning and the third Sunday of the month in the evening. Through sharing bread and wine together, we remember the Last Supper Jesus shared with His disciples, and we celebrate His risen presence with us. You do not have to be a member to participate in Holy Communion, but, equally, no pressure is placed upon anyone to receive. Non-alcoholic wine is used; gluten-free and wheat-free wafers are available for those with allergies.


Covenant Service

The Covenant Service unique to Methodism and is a recommitment to God's call. The Covenant asks us to make some difficult promises where we renew our willingness for God to do with us whatever he wants, whether that makes us important or insignificant, rich or poor. We offer all we have to God because of his love for us.  The Covenant Service will be at 10.30am on Sunday 5th January 2020.

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